How long does the BASSET Course take?

Find out how long it takes to get BASSET certified in Illinois

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Written by Userve Support
Updated over a week ago

BASSET Certification with Userve is quick, easy and 100% online.

The duration of the course depends on whether you work on-premises of off-premises.

The on-premises course takes approximately 2 hours to complete, and the off-premises course takes around 4 hours. Keep in mind that you can train at your own pace and start and stop as often as you like so you don't need to take the entire course in one sitting.

Once you've completed the course you need to write the final exam (included in the course price) and when you pass, we'll issue you with a temporary certificate. We'll also let the Illinois Liquor Control Commission know that you've passed your exam and they'll issue your official certificate within 30 days.

Ready to get started? Click on the button below to enroll and get started within minutes.

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